Busy bee

Since New Year I haven't had time to blog because I've been keeping M&D extra busy by been achieving many milestones:
crawling - fast and furious (and far)
standing up - yes, on my feet
attemp nose-diving from the couch, bed, anything that is high above the ground
drinking out of sippy cup on my own (Mommy's most excited about this)
holding my own bottle when drinking milk
pulled hair #497 off Mommy's balding head - still counting
multi-tasking, usually involves going after my binky with one hand while the other is doing sumtin else
putting bits of cheerios into my mouth - most of them land on the floor or my hair
put on a face that makes Mommy share her food with me
show off my acts to cousin Su En live over webcam
celebrate my first Chinese New Year (ang pao galore!)
tipped Mommy's bowl of soup - after that she doesn't eat while holding me anymore
hit the shrieking note only Sarah Brightman can without being annoying
spit my binky two yards away - Mommy plans to enroll me in watermelon-seed-spitting contest
throw my spoon eight feet away - done with gusto and style
See, so much work yet so little time. I don't understand why Mommy's so tired everyday, more and more so lately. She doesn't have energy to talk to me as much as before after she comes home from work. Daddy's been exhausted too. Some days he's gone for ten, eleven hours at a time. He must be enjoying school very much.
I gotta sleep now. Need to recharge to charge again tomorrow!
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