3-month old today

My birthday wish today is to be able to play with my cousin, uncles and aunts, and have grandpa and grandma hold me. Mommy said they all live far away, but maybe one day we'll move closer to them (or they to us). When will that be? I get jealous of cousin Esther who gets to play with her other cousins every week. I don't want to be left out =(
Hopefully Grandpa Charles can come visit me soon and play with me (now you know where I got my middle name from). And Grandma, even though I won't get to meet her, I'm sure she's watching from above praying for me. Maybe I imagine her cuddling with me that's why sometimes I smile out of the blue. Mommy said that her hugs were always warm hence she called her warm and fuzzy mommabear. I want some of that! Okay, okay, let's not get too sentimental now, I'm just gonna chill on the couch and do a big stretch of my fast-growing body. Too much thinking is causing me to lose more hair than I already have.
Maybe this weekend I will tell my birth story. It was pretty exciting for me, since I only get to go through it once.