Catching up!

My last post was back in dinosaur era. I'm 14.5-mth-old now. So what's happened the past three months?
- Daddy completed grad school. Woohoo!
- We moved. Ah, mommy's favorite subject. Mention this to her and you'll regret doing so. She was serious when she said that if Daddy can't find us stable residence or make us move again and again, she's leaving. Like it's Daddy's fault... On a good note, we got a much much nicer place where I can roam around happily.
- Washer and dryer in the house! Mighty liberation for my SuperDaddy! Hooray for EnergyStar appliances, caring for mother nature (and water bills). Also there is a dishwasher which we use sparingly. A note on dishwasher: either get a REALLY good one, or don't use it at all. Re-washing dishes that came out of it still dirty not only wastes time but also water and detergent.
- I started daycare at 11-months in the one-year-old class and ever since had only been runny-nose-free for about eight days total. The first two months included one URI, two ear infections, one of which lasted through three weeks.
- I got my parents sick a few times. Mommy exhausted her sick leave and vacation faster than she can accrue.
- I turned ONE YEAR OLD! Nothing much happened that day.
- I'm walking, skipping, tumbling, climbing up the stairs, dancing, drummin, drinking from a cup, spoon-feed myself, all done like a pro.
- Got my first haircut, going for the baldie-shiny look.
- Daddy's my expert super-shuttle from daycare, weaving his way through traffic to get us home. I don't mind so much the traffic since I get to nap. The worse the traffic the more sleep I get!
- After I got over my dinner-table favorite words of 'nooo' and 'moooh', I'm more willing to cooperate either by stuffing unwanted food into my diaper or calling out for the food: 'nyanya' (banana), 'bleeh' (bread), 'woah' (water), 'kah' (kix which implies dry cereal in general), 'mih' (milk), 'jus' (smoothies), etc.
- Spinach smoothies aren't bad. The spring mix smoothies are. Good thing mommy learned this quick and exclude those potent radicchios, that helped some.
- Swimming is fun, but not when I’m restricted in a big boring donut floatie. How about plunging into 60˚ algae-ridden water when the weather is a sunny 95˚? Not so much my style either. I do enjoy performing my flirtatious acts when the 15-feet hot babes radar beeps.
Yeah, so much has happened. Check out photos and videos on my online album.