Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Hats hats

Over my bare head... keep me warm please.

Monday, November 06, 2006

My first poem

This is one of my buddies,
He is a rubber duckie.
His name is Blue,
Because he is blue.

He makes me laugh til I squeak,
Because when he jokes he quacks.
When we play together,
We say 'the more the merrier'!

We splash together in the tub,
We wrestle on the couch.
Sometimes I think he'll make a good grub,
Then he runs away and says 'ouch!'

This is Blue,
My buddy rubber duckie.

~ ACL's mama

My friend Calvin

My new friend Calvin Perry and his parents came to visit. He is just one day older than me and we had a great time. Yay!

Loooong weekend

Here are some photos of me: in my new favorite football shirt, with daddy and my (girly) doggy overalls, my new bath style, sleepyhead, happy to be out for a walk, with Moses the fluffy gund puppy, with Momma, with my blue bebek, and another winter outfit that makes me wonder 'hmm, all i need now is to make my room snow since i'm all dressed up for it'.